
Holistic Nursing (Basic and Advanced) Practice Survey

As a Holistic nurse you are being invited to complete this survey. You do not have to be certified to participate. All participants who completely finish the Holistic Nurse Practice Analysis and Role Delineation survey in its entirety, (including Part I, demographics) will be entered into a random drawing for one of the items below and those who are AHNCC certified as holistic nurses will receive a certificate for three (3) continuing competency hours (equivalent to 3 CE/contact hours towards the recertification requirement)

  • 1 of 3 - $50.00 Amazon gift cards
  • 1 Free Registration to the 2023 or 2024 Annual Conference.
  • 2 Free Registrations to the Virtual 12 Contact Hour Annual Conference 2023.
  • $100 worth of Continuing Education Content in the AHNA Shop.
  • An AHNA Sample Promotional Box.

This survey of the practices of a Holistic Nurse is being conducted by the Center for Nursing Education & Testing (C-NET) on behalf of the American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation (AHNCC).

The purpose of the survey is to determine the activities performed by Holistic Nurses. The responses are needed to ensure that the Holistic Nurse Board Certified examinations (HN-BC®, HNB-BC®, AHN-BC®, APHN-BC®) will accurately reflect current practices of Holistic Nurses. The survey covers the basic and advance level competencies performed by Holistic Nurses. Please complete the entire survey. Answer all the questions. Even if you don’t do the practices, please note that you don’t do them and then identify how important they are even if you aren’t doing them in your practice. Some of the competencies may only be performed by graduate prepared nurses but we need to know if you think they are important for Holistic Nurses to do.

We appreciate you taking your time to validate the work you do as a Holistic Nurse. It is critical in order to have our examinations nationally accredited and ANCC Magnet recognized.

As a practicing Holistic Nurse, your contribution to the study is extremely important. Please take the time to complete the entire questionnaire, including all of the demographics. For each question, choose the response that best applies to you or your practice.

Questions can be answered in one of several ways. Most questions ask you to indicate your answer by selecting a single option. A few questions will allow you to select multiple options, if applicable. Some questions ask you to compose an answer directly.

Your responses to the survey will be anonymous. The results of this study will be published following data analysis. If you want to be entered into the drawing PLEASE leave your name and email address at the end of the survey. Thank you for helping us with this critically important work.

To start your survey, press the button that corresponds with your current practice:

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